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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

#0487 Magazine Clippings

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0487 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Magazine Clippings

All too common in a major city like Washington, DC,
you’ll see someone that may need some kind of
help, and you’ll walk away because you have
become immune to it.

I was about to get on the escalator, when I noticed
that from the folder of a girl behind me, magazine
clippings started to sprinkle everywhere. She
was slightly embarrassed. As this was happening, I was
thinking of getting on the escalator without helping her
because I thought maybe she didn’t need my help, or
would say that she was able to do it herself.

At that point, I stopped myself. I could not believe I was
starting to be one of those people
who got in the thought process of becoming immune to
helping someone much less for a simple task such as
helping someone pick up some things off the ground.

Even though I was in a suit with books and my bag, I
got down and helped her pick up the clippings. Two other
people took part just as I did.

It was not anything major, but it helped make her job easier.

I told myself that I really need to focus on my thought process
and habits. For there was a time that I would without hesitation
help someone, but now I saw that I would talk myself out of it by
coming up with things, such as “Oh, this person doesn’t really
need my help and can do it himself/herself.”
You may encounter people who may need help picking some items
that have fallen such as the magazine clippings or need help in
some other manner that may seem small.

Don’t hesitate.

Help them.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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