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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

#0479 What women want

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0479 Peace and Blessings Every Day
What women want

1. A woman wants to be valued.
Guys, I cannot even begin to tell you how hard your wife's job
is! The inner workings of your home fall on her shoulders. Her
work never ends, it doesn't matter if she works outside of the
home or she is a stay-at-home wife and mom. Either way, she
works from the second her feet hit the floor until she collapses
in bed each night. Plus she is on-call during the night for
anything the kids may need or if someone wakes up sick. Letting
her know how much you appreciate and value all that she does and
everything she gives to your family can make such a huge
difference in her life. Never underestimate the value of a
heartfelt "thank you" (and a surprise gift or night off is
always wonderful as well!).

2. A woman wants affection.
The word affection is defined as "fond attachment, devotion, or
love". Guys, you have to understand that your wife needs to feel
your love for her. She needs to be reminded of it regularly. The
old joke about not telling her you love her anymore because you
told her when you married her just doesn't cut it! You cause
both you and your wife to miss out on so much when you are not
regularly showing her affection.

3. A woman wants conversation.
I have talked a lot about communication and for guys, that can
be a little frustrating. But men, you have to understand just
how important talking is to a woman. There are so many different
levels of conversation. There is the deep meaningful
conversation that opens you up and draws you closer together,
and then there is the basic everyday conversation that is just a
part of sharing your life with someone. Us girls need them both.
Guys, a great thing to remember is, just as much as you want and
need sex, us girls want and need conversation. You just have to
face the fact that you married a woman and us girls just need to
talk to you and have you talk back to us!

4. A woman wants honesty and openness.
There have been times in our marriage that my husband has been
closed off to me. Some of those time it was because we were
going through a difficult time and we did not feel very close to
one another. Then there were other times that he was just
wrapped up in his work and struggles that he was going through
personally. But either way, when my husband is closed off to me
it can be frightening! It instantly causes me to shut myself off
from him and being closed off from each other is never any good
for your marriage. As for honesty, there is nothing worse than a
liar! Even if the truth is very hard to deal with, it's always
better than a lie. Work on living a life of openness and honesty
with your wife and your marriage with blossom!

5. A woman wants financial security.
Guys I don't care if she has a better job than you, your wife
still depends on your for her financial security. She still
looks to you to be the rock that keeps it all together. You have
to do everything possible to make sure she is financially
secure. Now, I understand that times are very hard right now and
some people simply can't find work. But guys, in that situation
you need to be doing everything in your power to assure her that
you're doing everything you can to provide for and take care of
her and your family.

6. A woman wants commitment to the family.
My parents divorced when I was 15. I watched my dad walk away
from our family and choose a new family. The scars from that go
very, very deep. One of my biggest fears in life has been Colby
leaving and my kids and I having to live through that. For our
first few years I lived with that fear at the forefront of my
mind constantly. I would push him and test him to see if he
would leave. I did not believe that he would stay, no matter how
much he told me he wasn't going anywhere I didn't believe him.
Do you know what finally changed things for me? He never left.
Sounds pretty simple huh? It didn't seem to matter how much he
told me that he wasn't going anywhere, I had to see him live it
out. I had to see his commitment to me and our kids grow deeper
each day. He had to BE committed, not just SAY he was committed.

7. A woman wants safety and protection.
Guys, you have to do everything possible to go out of your way
to make sure she knows you are keeping her safe! If there's a
sounds in the house at night, get up and see what it is. While
you may be able to ignore it, she cannot. You may be sound
asleep but your wife can lay there for quite some time with her
imagination running wild! Take extra steps to show her that she
is safe with you. But you need to take this one step further;
you have to make sure she knows that she is safe from you. Guys,
you are stronger than us. That's just a fact. During an argument
it can be very easy to let yourself go and you have to protect
your wife by controlling your aggression during a conflict.
Don't ever let your wife feel unsafe by the very person that God
sent to keep her safe!

What do you think girls? Is there anything not on this list that
you want from your spouse? Are you getting it? Does your husband
know that you want it?

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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