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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

#0643 Life setting you back into course

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0643 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Life setting you back into course
Just when you think your life is set, life sets you back on the course of progress.
I am starting the law firm search process. I already have my bachelors and master’s degrees, and I thought I was set. I already started working at a big firm and then moved around and started my own practice. I thought I was set.

Yet here I am now half-way through the even law program, and I am starting the law firm search process. It feels overbearing. I am about to enter into unknown territory again. I have to prepare once more for new people, new places, and new obstacles.

Even though it can feel overbearing because it is entering the "unknown" again, all I can say is praise be to God for the opportunities. We often are given opportunities in the form of the “unknown” and having to feel like we are “restarting,” but what it comes down to is a continuous line of progress that we notice only when we look back into our lives.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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