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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Thursday, July 11, 2013

#0070 Fridge incident

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0070 Peace and Blessings Every Day

Fridge incident.

Our fridge stopped working all of a sudden. 

"Great," I thought as we had just purchased new groceries
a few days before. "Oh well, these things happen," I told my
wife Asia as we were trying to salvage food to give to 
others before they spoiled.

That same night Asia and I were talking, and from our casual conversation
she said something simple, yet profound. "You know Ramin, you can tell
a lot about a person from their reaction during times of anger
and frustration." 

I agreed. You can tell a lot about a person during those times.

The next day we were to have our new fridge delivered. The delivery
people were to come between 10:45 am to 12:45 pm. Asia called me and 
said, "Ramin, the power has gone out." Life happens, right?

I checked with our power company and they were working on a box and had
to shut electricity out until 2 pm. The fridge people ended up coming at 12:40 pm
and of course, they couldn't install the fridge without electricity. 

"It is for liability reasons," says the technician, "we'll have to come tomorrow."
I hear this as I am on the phone with Asia and I tell Asia to tell the technician
to set up the fridge and we'll turn it on later.

Again, I hear: "It is for liability reasons. We'll have to come tomorrow." I start
to get frustrated. I tell Asia to let me speak to him. "Okay go ahead and install
the fridge. Set it all up. Haul away the old one. We'll turn it on later. We can't
wait until tomorrow to wait for you all again," I him boldly.

Again, he repeats the same thing. I am now angry. Normally, I just take the situation
as it is and if things don't work out at that moment, I just let it be.

This time it was different.I was angry for some reason.

Asia takes the phone back, and tells me what I should already know. "These things happen.
We can't do anything about it today so let's just wait to have it fixed correctly tomorrow. 
Getting angry with the guy who is trying to do his job won't help, will it?"

It was an Inner Peace and Blessings moment.

A lot of things were happening. For one, I was getting upset over something I had no
control over and something that really shouldn't have bothered me. Second, I was
being whispered in my ear to start arguing back with my wife. Third, I remembered
what my wife told me:

Ones true colors shine in time of anger or stress. Does the ladylike stature or gentlemen 
like ways still apply or go flying out the door once faced with a stressful situation? 
Remember all the good you may have done for the sake of God can get tainted 
if your words aren't said carefully and bring pain/hurt to someone else. [Asia]

I realized I slipped up and I didn't pass the test before me.  

Life happens and life will give us tests to see how well we have mastered a given lesson. 
Some times we slip up. We have to learn from it, make sure we don't repeat
it again, and move on. 

Oh yes, the power came back on at 1:10 pm.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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