Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You

Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You!

Thank you for supporting me in this endeavor! My purpose in Inner Inner Peace Be Upon You is to send a motivational, inspirational, uplifting newsletter every day during the week day.

This website will provide as a resource for those who wish to view past newsletter, get some more information about Inner Peace Be Upon You, and find ways to help Inner Peace Be Upon You in our mission.

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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

#0228 Desperation and motivation

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0228 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Desperation and motivation

Sometimes I want to let myself be lost
in the thoughts of desperation in hopes
it provides me motivation to finally relinquish
myself of the confusion pervasive in my mind
seeping through my soul like the waters of a
dam gushing past the barriers holding it of its
true form.

We all have these moments where motivation just
doesn’t come when you need it to. In these moments,
reflect to find out what has worked for you in the

I’ve realized desperation has ignited in me some
sparks of motivation to get me going. In turn,
this spark, if cultivated properly and consistently,
will lead me to my true potential.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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See you tomorrow.
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