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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Thursday, July 11, 2013

#0056 Lost Baggage

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0056 Peace and Blessings Every Day

Lost Baggage.

The clock read 6 am.

I looked near the door of the hotel and the baggage still had not arrived.

"Sir, the luggage is still in Santa Ana, Ca," I hear the United representative
say from across the globe in India.

"I have spoken to 7 representatives already and the last one informed me that my bags
were en route to San Francisco as of 7 pm and they arrived in Santa Barbara. I was
told that the bags were going to be delivered by midnight," I said. 

"Our systems do not show that sir. It is still in Santa Ana," said the United representative.

I was frustrated.

I was frustrated because I had been talking to United reps all night and they kept giving wrong information, 
we had to leave else where in the morning, and I hadn't slept.

I stopped and asked aloud, "Why do I feel like I am being punished God?" That week was one of those weeks.

I buried my face in my pillow feeling angry, upset, and sad. About 15 minutes later my alarm 
went off for morning prayer. I quickly slammed the phone to shut it off.

I did not want to pray!

I took a moment and took a deep breath.

It was a Peace and Blessings moment. 

Yes, plans did not go as I wanted it to.

Yes, I felt like I was being taken for a ride by United.

Yes, I felt small and powerless.

Yet, I knew there was a lesson: Rememberace of God.

I told myself, "Prayer and meditation is the best thing right now to bring inner peace. 
These things happen and in the big picture these things are small."

I woke up for prayer and did it with as much concentration as possible. I prayed to God to give me some inner peace 
and to make things easy whatever they may be.

Bag or no bag, I felt a sense of calm.

Others reading this will think, "Ramin, it is just a delayed bag. It isn't that big of a deal."

Yet, many times in our lives something small has happened, and that moment catches up with us. 

Just like the lost baggage in my situation, life will wander us off our desired track.

Stop. Breathe. Remember God.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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