Inner Peace Be Upon You
# 0047 Peace and Blessings Every Day
God please allow me. Don't let Satan whisper in my ear.
In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful.
I seek refuge in God from Satan the accursed.
God, please allow me to have a peaceful and blessed day.
Don't allow Satan to whisper in my ear about the "misfortunes"
this day could bring.
God, please allow me to make the most of my time and allow
me the opportunity to help others in whatever big or little
way possible.
Don't allow Satan to whisper in my ear to look the other way when
I can help someone.
God, please allow me to be kind to others and if I can be used as
a ray of light for others, please allow me the opportunity to do so. If
I am the one in need of light, please allow someone else to be that
ray of light for me.
Don't allow Satan to whisper in my ear that there is no hope out there.
God, please allow me to have the mindset of being grateful for what
little or lot you have given me.
Don't allow Satan to whisper in my ear tales and inspirations of jealousy and envy.
God, please allow all of my loved ones and even strangers I don't know have
peace and blessings today and tomorrow for the world would be a greater
place if we all had inner peace within ourselves.
Inner Peace Be Upon You.
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