Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You

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Thank you for supporting me in this endeavor! My purpose in Inner Inner Peace Be Upon You is to send a motivational, inspirational, uplifting newsletter every day during the week day.

This website will provide as a resource for those who wish to view past newsletter, get some more information about Inner Peace Be Upon You, and find ways to help Inner Peace Be Upon You in our mission.

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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

#0031 Having guests over

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0031 Peace and Blessings Every Day

Having guests over
A few weekends ago my wife, Asia, and I invited some family over for dinner. 
We started preparing right away for our 15 guests. 

We brought out the vacuum, mop, winders, duster, and you name it.
We started by cleaning the house. All the floors were vacuumed. 
The hard wood floors were mopped. The living area was sorted. 
We even took measure to make sure our own guest bedroom was spotless.

Then we made arrangements for the food. We needed groceries so we spent a 
couple of hours of the day buying different types of ingredients for the 3 dishes 
we were going to make. We bought various types of fruit, dessert, and other items to 
be had with tea.

After this we had to spend time on the presentation of the food. Setting up the utensils, 
the plates for the various meals, and the food itself.

All of this took a decent amount of time. The guests came, we all had a nice dinner, and then they left.

The next day Asia, my wife, told me, "You know we humans have a tendency to do so much to please
guests [or others in general], we some times forget to ask ourselves what do we do to please God
and invite Him in our house.

It was an Inner Peace and Blessings moment.

Invite God over today. You won't have to prepare as much, but you will get a tremendous amout
in return.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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