Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You

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This website will provide as a resource for those who wish to view past newsletter, get some more information about Inner Peace Be Upon You, and find ways to help Inner Peace Be Upon You in our mission.

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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Monday, September 23, 2013

#0455 How to capture a monkey

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0455 Peace and Blessings Every Day
How to capture a monkey

A lot of Inner Peace Be Upon You subscribers
know that I either do yoga or highly recommend
it for those wanting to seek inner peace.

In one of my yoga classes, the yoga instructor
told us a story about how to capture a monkey:
The way to capture a monkey is to get a jar and
within the jar put a bunch of nuts. Leave it
for the monkey, who will soon find it and stick
its hand into the jar. When the monkey has grabbed
a handful of nuts and tries to pull his hand out,
the monkey is trapped. You see when the monkey
tries to pull his hand out with the peanuts, the lid
is too small to allow both.

The monkey has a choice: keep hold of the nuts and
risk being captured since his hand is stuck inside, or
let go of the nuts, free his hand and escape.

The same concept applies in our own lives. The
desires and wants that we have can also be
the very things that trap us. Sometimes we have to
decide between what we want and trapping
ourselves, and what we let go and free ourselves.

The choice of deciding what we do, just like the
monkey, is our own.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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