Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You

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Thank you for supporting me in this endeavor! My purpose in Inner Inner Peace Be Upon You is to send a motivational, inspirational, uplifting newsletter every day during the week day.

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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Thursday, November 21, 2013

#0694 Remembering the past

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0694 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Remembering the past
I try not to live in the past. It takes away from the present.
At the same time, I have learned that remembering the past
is important.

As humans, a lot of things happen to us as we are moving
along the journey of life. Often these events change us. We
may have gone through difficulties and at the conclusion of a
difficulty gained some powerful insight about ourselves.

During times of happiness and sadness, it is important
to remember the past and what you have been able
to overcome and what you have been able to accomplish. As well,
it helps us remember the life lessons that we gained so we
do not repeat those same things from the past that were
detrimental to us.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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