Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You

Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You!

Thank you for supporting me in this endeavor! My purpose in Inner Inner Peace Be Upon You is to send a motivational, inspirational, uplifting newsletter every day during the week day.

This website will provide as a resource for those who wish to view past newsletter, get some more information about Inner Peace Be Upon You, and find ways to help Inner Peace Be Upon You in our mission.

If you feel like someone else could benefit from this, send them peace and blessings by forwarding this.

Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Monday, November 25, 2013

#0579 Rejection

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0579 Peace and Blessings Every Day

There will be a time in your life when
you’ll be rejected.

Whether it is the love you give to someone, a
smile to a stranger, an offering of help to
someone you know was in need.

You will always have those who reject hugs, who reject love,
who reject compassion, who reject the good that you do.

Parents will have children who reject them,
no matter how hard they try.

Teachers will have students who reject them,
no matter how hard they try.

Good Samaritans will have those whom they try to help reject

Husbands will have wives and wives will have husbands who reject
them, no matter how hard they try.

Even with me writing these Inner Peace Be Upon You newsletters,
I have had people reject it by unsubscribing or not reading it anymore.

I often tell myself before each issue of
Inner Peace Be Upon You, if this can help just one person, it's worth it.
Yes, I know some will reject it but this may not be meant for
everyone, it's special.

Even though there are those who have and will continue to reject
the good you are trying to put out in the world, there is one waiting,
in desperate need of your goodness, which may save their life and world.

Don't let people discourage you. Keep loving, keep smiling, and
keep giving for it is the way of the follower of God.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

Thank you for inviting Inner Peace Be Upon You into your mailbox.
Change a life, give a friend Peace and Blessings.

See you tomorrow.
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