Inner Peace Be Upon You
# 0593 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Extrovert, introverts, and energy
I was in a leadership training seminar, and the instructor
made a distinction between extroverts and introverts
that I had never really thought about.
Like most people when I think of extroverts, I think
of fun and outgoing people.
When I think of introverts, I normally think of people
who keep to themselves.
For the longest time, I would see myself as an extrovert.
Perhaps when I was younger, I was an extrovert. As
I have gotten older, I tend to see myself as an introvert
and associated that with a negative stigma.
Yet this instructor presented a different scenario:
An extrovert is one who gets their energy from their
surroundings, while an introvert looks from within
to get their energy.
This perspective on extroverts and introverts was
different because it doesn’t look at it as one is better
than the other, but more of what is and what isn’t.
Although I get more of my energy now from within
myself, I know that when I need to, I can also get
that energy from my surroundings. Either way there is
a source of energy to tap into.
Inner Peace Be Upon You.
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