Welcome to Inner Peace Be Upon You

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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

#1011 Attachment

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 1011 Peace and Blessings Every Day

It’s a very simple word.

It creates a lot of anguish if one doesn’t learn to control it and let go.

I was introduced to the concept of attachments in our life through yoga
during a time period in my life where everything was turned upside down for me.

The concept is letting go of attachments. Going into things without any expectation
Whether it is good or [not good].

Life is very neutral, but then we start to color it. We color it with the brush strokes
of attachment. We attach ourselves to those moments, to those people, to those material
things that while there gives us some emotion, but then when that moment, person, or thing
is gone, we are still attached to it.

We have to let go of the attachment when the time is done. That time is when the present has
become the past, or the future has not come to fruition in the present.

Learn to let the attachments become unattached, and your life will become a fluid existence of being
aware of the here and now.

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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