Inner Peace Be Upon You
# 0947 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Biggest Problem
One of the biggest problems I’ve had is something that I have been trying to work
on for some time. Even in writing this first sentence, the problem is following me.
For the longest time, I’ve been hard on myself. I get hard on myself for even
the smallest things. There have been a lot of times when I should be praising
my hard work or success, but instead, I am telling myself that I should
have been better, or I should be doing more.
There comes a time when in trying to seek perfection, you are really achieving imperfection. You become your own biggest critic.
It’s great to always aim higher than before, or to expect more of yourself, but even that
in itself is very dangerous if you are constantly beating yourself up.
You have to control your thoughts, or at least be very mindful of what you are thinking.
Is it that you are always criticizing yourself? Not applauding your success but focusing on the things
that you perceive as failure?
I know I need to work on becoming my number one fan.
Don’t become your worst critic where all you are is a constant critic of yourself.
Inner Peace Be Upon You.
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