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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Friday, July 3, 2015

#0915 I have to do something vs I get to do something

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0915 Peace and Blessings Every Day
I have to do something vs I get to do something
I am starting my studies for the bar exam. It scares
just about any student who has graduated from law
school because it is either a 2 or 3 day exam consisting of
6 hours of testing each day.

As I am listening to one of the lectures, one of the instructors
says you have two options when you are studying. You
can tell yourself:

1. I have to do something or

2. I get to do something.

This is very true for anything in life. When you feel like you have to
do something, you dread it and it feels like a chore. Yes, there
are a lot of things that we have to do where we don’t really have a choice.
However, we do have a choice in the perspective we take.

I get to do something.

There are so many other people who would love to do what you are doing
right now (trust me I am sure I can find someone in a position who would
rather be doing what you are doing). They would love to get to do what you
are doing.

Even though for me this means that I’ll be studying for the next 2 months
straight consisting of at least 8 hours per day, I am telling myself that
I get to do this. I get to do something that so many other would love
to be doing but for one reason or another, they can’t.

I choose to tell myself that I get to study for the bar, and I am going to
enjoy this time!

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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