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Inner Peace Be Upon You,

Ramin Mohammad

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

#0875 Controlling Habits and Emotions

Inner Peace Be Upon You

# 0875 Peace and Blessings Every Day
Controlling Habits and Emotions

“How can I control my habits if I can’t even control my emotions?”

“It is like this: when your mind creates a problem, when it resists life as it unfolds
in the moment, your body tenses and feels this tension as an ‘emotion,’ variously
interprested by words like ‘fear,’ sorrow,’ or ‘anger.’ True emotion is pure energy, flowing freely
in the body.”

“Then the warrior never feels the normal upsetting emotions?”

“In a sense, this is true. Yet emotions are a natural human capacity, a form of expression. Sometimes
it’s appropriate to express fear, sorrow, or anger--but the energy should be directed completely outward, not
held in. The expression of emotions should be complete and powerful, then should vanish without a trace.
The way to control  your emotions, then, is to let ithem flow and let them go.”

“Can you give me a specific example?”

“Spend time with a baby.” Babies are masters of emotional control.

“When a baby is upset, it expresses itself in banshee wails--pure crying.It doesn’t wonder about whether it
should be crying.

Hold or feed it and within seconds, no more tears. If the baby is angry, then it very definitely lets you know. But this too, it lets go of very quickly; can you imagine a baby’s feeling guilty about its anger? Babies let flow, then let it go.

They express themselves fully, then shut up.

Infants are fine teachers.  And they demonstrate the right use of energy.

Learn that and you can transform any habit.”

~Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Inner Peace Be Upon You.

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